15 Surprising Benefits Of Having A Fireplace On Christmas

There’s no better way to celebrate the holidays than with a roaring fire. It’s cozy AF, romantic, and can warm your bones on even the coldest of days. 

But did you know that a fireplace is also good for your health? The smell of burning wood helps clear your sinuses and reduce blood pressure. 

And if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to snuggle up next to a fire pit—or simply sleep on top of one then this post is for you!

The Advantages of a Modern Wood Burning Fireplace Insert
Fireplaces can add warmth and charm to any Christmas celebration.
The right accessories can enhance your fireplace and create a perfect holiday aesthetic.
Creating the perfect Christmas fireplace setting takes time and planning, but it’s worth the effort.
Personalizing your Christmas fireplace decor can make your home feel festive and cozy.
Fireplaces offer many benefits beyond just heating, including cost savings and improved ambiance.
There are different types of fireplaces available, and each has its own unique advantages and maintenance requirements.
Careful consideration of factors such as space, heating needs, and budget can help you choose the right fireplace for your home.
Additional resources are available to learn more about the benefits of fireplaces and how to choose the best one for your needs.

Feeling Like You’re In a Hallmark Movie

The fireplace is the perfect place for snuggling with your dog. If you have one, or have always wanted one, this is a must-try. 

They love curling up in front of the fire and taking a nap while you sit there and enjoy the warmth. 

It’s also great for singing Christmas carols (or Christmas themed songs) in front of it, which can quickly become a tradition if you want it to be!

The right accessories can add warmth and charm to any Christmas fireplace. From stockings to garlands, there are plenty of options to choose from. Check out our guide on 18 must-have accessories to create the perfect holiday aesthetic for your home.

The Smell

The smell of a fireplace is one that can’t be replicated. It’s not just the smell of the firewood, or the smoke from burn logs, but also all those holiday scents that mix together to create something warm and wonderful. 

The piney scent of your Christmas tree will mingle with cinnamon and cloves to make your home feel like an instant winter wonderland, even if you live in a place where it never snows!

Roasting Chestnuts

Roasted chestnuts have long been a staple of the Christmas season, but you don’t have to roast them in an oven or on a grill. In fact, you can roast chestnuts over your open fire! Simply place the chestnuts in an iron skillet on top of the grate and place it directly over the flames. 

The nuts will toast quickly; keep turning them until they’re nice and golden brown all over. You can also roast chestnuts in a cast iron pot set directly over an open flame by placing your pot on top of hot coals, but beware: this method is dangerous if not done correctly!

To make sure that your roasted chestnuts turn out perfectly every time, we recommend buying a bagged variety they’re already peeled and ready-to-eat (just be sure to check for signs of mold before use).

Warms You And Your Fitbit

If you want to stay warm this winter, a fireplace is a great way to do it. A fireplace not only keeps you cozy and warm as you watch Christmas movies and drink hot cocoa, but it can also help you stay healthy! 

One of the main reasons that people like using fireplaces is because they do not have to worry about their electric bills or paying for gas or oil. 

Fireplaces are an excellent option if your budget needs cutting down on costs in any way possible. 

They are also good for anyone who likes nature living inside their home; nothing says “I love being alive” more than having a log burning fire going all day long while sipping tea at sunset.

A cozy and inviting fireplace can take your Christmas decor to the next level. But how do you create the perfect setting? Check out our guide on the secret to the perfect Christmas fireplace setting for inspiration and tips to achieve a warm and welcoming atmosphere that your guests will love.

You Can Tell Ghost Stories

You can tell ghost stories to your family and friends. Whether you’re a member of the Christmas Eve Ghost Society or just an avid fan of The Haunted Mansion, sharing spooky tales with those who are most precious to you is a time-honored tradition during the holiday season. 

But there’s no reason why this tradition should be limited to humans! If your dog enjoys listening to scary stories with you, don’t forget to include him or her in the festivities by passing on some new folklore about Santa’s creepy past.

If you have cats (or if any other pets are in attendance), these animals will also appreciate being included in your holiday traditions which means it’s perfectly acceptable for them to sit on laps and watch TV while everyone else tells ghost stories around the fireplace!

Fireplace Types for Telling Ghost Stories

Fireplace TypeDescription
Wood FireplaceTraditional wood-burning fireplaces create an authentic atmosphere for telling ghost stories with the added benefit of light crackling sounds.
Gas FireplaceGas fireplaces provide instant heat and are often operated with a remote, making it easy to adjust the flames as you tell your spooky tales.
Electric FireplaceElectric fireplaces offer adjustable brightness settings and a customizable flame effect, making them a great option for creating a spooky ambiance.
Bio-Ethanol FireplaceBio-ethanol fireplaces produce real flames without the need for a chimney or vent, making them easy to install and use for telling ghost stories.

This table summarizes some fireplace types that are perfect for telling ghost stories. Traditional wood-burning fireplaces provide an authentic atmosphere and soothing sounds, while gas fireplaces offer convenience and make it easy to adjust the flames to your liking.

Electric fireplaces can be customized with adjustable brightness and flame effects, while bio-ethanol fireplaces produce real flames without requiring a chimney or vent. Whatever your preference, these fireplace types can add an extra element of spookiness to your ghost stories.

You Can Sing Christmas Carols

I know what you’re thinking: “Sing Christmas carols? That sounds like a terrible idea.” But hear me out! Singing Christmas carols is a great way to celebrate the holidays. 

You can sing alone or with friends or family, in front of your fireplace or in another room. And if you need some help learning the words, I’ve got you covered with my list of 15 favorite holiday carols (and their lyrics).

But before we get into the list, let’s address some common misconceptions about singing Christmas carols around fireplaces:

  • Fireplaces are hot and stuffy

Well…not necessarily! Depending on your fireplace setup, it may be quite cool inside especially if there’s no wood burning on it at all times (like mine). 

What’s more likely is that everyone will be so caught up in singing that nobody will notice how cold they are or even care!

Decorating your fireplace for Christmas can be a fun and exciting project. From classic to modern, there are plenty of decor options to suit your style. Check out our guide on 10 incredible Christmas decor ideas to get inspired and create the perfect holiday look for your home.

Coal and Stocking Stuffing

When it comes to stocking stuffers, you don’t need to look any further than your own hearth. The best part is that you can make them yourself with some coal, a stocking form, and a drill.

  • First, select a nice piece of softwood like cedar. You’ll want to cut it into the shape of a boot or an elf-shoe—whatever you want!
  • Next, drill holes in each corner using an awl or nail setter (we recommend using both for best results). This will allow the wood to burn completely so there’s no waste later on when it’s time for Santa Claus’ visit.
  • Now all that’s left is putting our little friend inside his new home until Christmas morning!

It’s Romantic

Having a fire in your fireplace is an ideal way to spend the holidays. You can cuddle with your significant other, enjoy some alone time, read a book or watch a movie. 

You can even take a nap! Just imagine lying underneath a blanket on the couch while sipping hot cocoa and staring at the flames dancing around in front of you. 

When this happens, it might seem like you’re living in an entirely different world one that’s more peaceful than anything else.

Transform your fireplace into a festive focal point with the right decorations. From wreaths to candles, there are endless ways to infuse your personal style into your holiday decor. Check out our comprehensive guide on Christmas fireplace decorations for ideas and inspiration to make your fireplace a standout feature this holiday season.

It’s Cozy AF

The number one benefit of a fireplace is that it’s cozy AF. That’s basically the only reason to have a fireplace on Christmas, but it’s a pretty good reason.

It’s especially useful if you’ve got friends and family over for the holidays and there’s not enough space to accommodate everyone comfortably. 

Those that aren’t lucky enough to find a place to sit on the couch or floor can always curl up by the fire with their favorite book or dog (or significant other).

Open the Flue, Let the Smoke Flow Through

You should open the flue when you are not using your fireplace. This will allow any smoke that may have built up inside of your chimney to flow freely up and out of the chimney, instead of collecting in your home. 

The flue is like a chimney through which hot gases exit when you light your fireplace. If it’s closed, it can cause a dangerous fire called a “chimney fire”—and who wants that on Christmas Day?

Fireplace Types with Open Flues to Let Smoke Flow Through

Fireplace TypeDescription
Wood FireplaceTraditional wood-burning fireplaces feature an open flue that allows smoke to flow through the chimney.
Gas FireplaceDirect-vent gas fireplaces have a sealed combustion system that draws air from outside into the unit, while vented gas fireplaces use a standard chimney to vent smoke outside.
Electric FireplaceElectric fireplaces do not produce smoke and do not require a chimney or vent.
Bio-Ethanol FireplaceWhile bio-ethanol fireplaces produce real flames, they do not produce smoke and do not require a chimney or vent.

This table shows various fireplace types that allow smoke to flow through an open flue. Traditional wood-burning fireplaces use an open flue to draw smoke out of the home, while gas fireplaces may use a standard chimney or a sealed combustion system to vent smoke outside.

Electric fireplaces and bio-ethanol fireplaces do not produce smoke and do not require a chimney or vent. Understanding the differences between these fireplace types can help you choose the best one for your home heating needs.

Note: It is important to always make sure the flue is open and smoke is properly vented to protect the health and safety of everyone in your home. Please consult with a professional chimney expert if you have any concerns or questions pertaining to your specific fireplace type.

It’s A Great Place For Snuggling With Your Dog

Your dog is an excellent source of companionship, and it’s very easy to get lost in the joy of owning one. 

There’s something incredibly comforting about having an animal around. Dogs are also known for their healing powers, so if you need some extra TLC on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, cuddle up with your pup!

Makes Snow Ways Seem A Lot More Magical

You can add a little bit of magic to your holiday by decorating the fireplace with some Christmas ornaments. These will make the fireplace look more festive and you’ll be able to enjoy their glow when the fire burns down low.

You can also add some fresh greenery to give it that outdoorsy feel. Try adding pinecones, holly branches, fir tree brushes or other natural materials for an authentic touch that will instantly transport you into winter wonderland!

Fireplaces that Make Snowy Days More Magical

Fireplace TypeDescription
Gas FireplaceProvides instant heat and can be used with a thermostat for easy temperature control.
Wood FireplaceOffers a classic, cozy feel and creates a charming ambiance with the added benefit of crackling sounds.
Electric FireplaceCan be used to create a realistic flame effect with adjustable brightness settings, and can often be operated with a remote control.
Bio-Ethanol FireplaceRuns on clean-burning, renewable bio-ethanol fuel and produces a real flame without the need for a chimney or vent.

This table summarizes some fireplace types that can make snowy days feel more magical. Gas fireplaces offer immediate heat with convenient temperature control, while wood fireplaces provide a classic ambiance with the sounds of crackling wood.

Electric fireplaces provide a realistic flame effect and can be controlled with a remote, and bio-ethanol fireplaces provide a real flame without the need for a chimney or vent. Each fireplace type has its own unique benefits and can enhance the winter wonderland experience.

A Napping Spot

Sleeping on the couch. Most couches are actually very comfortable to sleep on. The furniture is soft, and most couches have buttons that can be adjusted to make them even more comfortable. 

If you’re considering sleeping on the couch, just make sure that it’s not too far away from the fireplace so that if you get cold, you can easily jump into bed and warm yourself up!

Sleeping in front of the fireplace. This has been a popular choice for centuries—and for good reason! It’s cozy, warm and definitely makes your home feel like home. Plus there is nothing better than being able to look at your Christmas tree when you’re drifting off into dreamland (especially if it’s decorated with twinkling lights).

Sleeping on the floor next to the firebox itself is also an option if you don’t want to move too far away from where all of your holiday decorations are set up!

Just make sure not to fall asleep near any candles because there could potentially be danger involved . . . but other than that everything should go smoothly!

There’s nothing quite like cozying up by the fire on a cold winter’s night. But how do you create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere in your home? Check out our guide on getting cozy by the fire this Christmas for tips and tricks on how to make the most of your fireplace and enjoy the holiday season with loved ones.


It’s a magical time of year and there is no better way to bring that magic home than by having a roaring fire in your own home. If you don’t have one, perhaps now it’s time to consider getting one!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to learn more about fireplaces and their benefits:

The benefits of a fireplace in winter: Fairhaven Homes explores the aesthetic, financial, and environmental benefits of having a fireplace in your home during the winter months.

10 reasons to buy an electric fireplace this winter: Phoenix Fireplaces highlights the advantages of electric fireplaces, such as their ease of use, convenience, and efficiency.

The advantages of having a fireplace in your home: KJB Fireplaces discusses the benefits of traditional wood-burning fireplaces, including their ability to save energy, reduce heating bills, and provide a cozy ambiance.


What are the benefits of having a fireplace at home?

There are many advantages of having a fireplace at home, including warmth and comfort, aesthetic appeal, energy efficiency, and potential cost savings on heating bills.

What types of fireplaces are available?

There are several types of fireplaces available, including traditional wood-burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces, electric fireplaces, and bio-ethanol fireplaces.

How do I choose the right fireplace for my home?

To choose the right fireplace for your home, consider factors such as the size of your space, your heating needs, your budget, and your personal style preferences.

Do fireplaces require a lot of maintenance?

The maintenance required for a fireplace can vary depending on the type of fireplace you have. For instance, wood-burning fireplaces require regular cleaning and inspections, while electric fireplaces typically require minimal upkeep.

How much does it cost to install a fireplace?

The cost of installing a fireplace can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of fireplace, the size of the space, and the complexity of the installation. It’s best to consult with a professional fireplace installer to get an accurate estimate for your specific needs.