Get Cozy By The Fire This Christmas With These Tips

Winter is back and it’s time to cozy up by the fire. Whether you have a fireplace in your home or not, there are plenty of ways to make your space inviting and comfortable. Here’s how:

10 Tips for a Cozy Christmas at Home The DIY Mommy
– Creating a warm and inviting ambiance through the fireplace is a great way to get cozy during the holiday season.
– There are numerous benefits to enjoying the warmth of a fireplace on Christmas, including reducing stress and boosting oxygen saturation.
– Keeping up with the latest Christmas fireplace trends can help you refresh your mantel and create a festive atmosphere.
– Decorating your fireplace for the holidays is a great way to elevate your home decor game, and there are many easy DIY decorating ideas to try.
– Additional reading on creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere during the holiday season includes learning more about the Danish concept of hygge, exploring cozy holiday decorating ideas, and finding practical tips for creating a warm and inviting home.

Make Your Own Fire Starters

For a more festive touch, make your own fire starter logs. This can be done by using recycled paper or cardboard tubes cut to size and filled with wax. 

You may also use toilet paper rolls and fill them with wax as well. Then place these items in a metal or glass container that you’ll then place on the hearth of your fireplace to let the magic happen!

Enjoying the warmth of a fireplace on Christmas not only creates a cozy ambiance, but it also has surprising health benefits. According to 15 Surprising Benefits of Having a Fireplace on Christmas, it can lower blood pressure, increase oxygen saturation, and reduce stress.

Use Your Fireplace As Additional Fridge Space

If you don’t have a proper place to store food in your home, your fireplace may be the perfect alternative. 

However, if you’re planning to keep food in the fireplace for more than a few days at a time, it’s important that you use a fireproof container and make sure that it’s completely dry. 

Additionally, don’t store food in the fireplace if there are any pets or children around (they might get curious).

Speak To An Expert About Increasing The Heat Efficiency Of Your Fireplace

A fireplace can be a great source of heat. It’s not just for aesthetics, after all! A well-designed and maintained fireplace can provide you with excellent warmth, especially during the colder months. With that in mind, there are some things to consider when choosing how best to use it:

If your entire home is heated by one central heating system (and it’s designed well), you may want to consider using your fireplace as a supplemental source of heat if it’s on the same zone as other rooms or areas in your house. 

This will help keep those areas warmer than they would be otherwise and reduce energy costs associated with running another heater all day long.

Looking to stay on top of the latest Christmas fireplace trends? Check out The Hottest Christmas Fireplace Trends for 2022 to discover new design ideas, update your mantel, and create a festive atmosphere for the holiday season.

Buy A Toolset And Maintain It Regularly

If you’re going to be doing any projects around the house this winter, a toolset is essential.

Tools can range from large and power tools (such as drills) to small hand tools (like screwdrivers). No matter what kind of project you have in mind, having the right tools will make it easier and faster so that you can get more done in less time!

Of course, having good quality tools is important but if they’re not maintained regularly then they won’t last as long as they should. Good maintenance involves keeping your tools clean and sharp. 

This means not just dusting them off but also cleaning out any dust or debris that may collect inside them over time. 

Don’t forget about replacing worn-out parts like screws or hinges either! Finally, make sure that when using any type of power tool such as a drill or saw: always turn off before unplugging from source; never leave plugged in unattended; keep cords away from areas where people could trip over them; ensure cord connections are firm before beginning operation (don’t force!).

Top Fireplace Tool Sets to Buy and Maintain Regularly

BrandMaterialPieces IncludedSizePrice
AmagabeliWrought Iron532 inches$59.99
PanaceaSteel533 inches$39.84
Pilgrim Home and HearthSteel534 inches$199.89
UniDecorCast Iron530 inches$79.99
Plow & HearthCast Iron532 inches$199.95

In this table, we have listed some of the top fireplace tool sets available for purchase to maintain your fireplace regularly. The table includes information on the brand, material, pieces included, size, and price of each product. We recommend readers evaluate their preferences based on the size of their fireplace, material quality, and budget before purchasing a tool set.

Accessorize With A Trunk Table

A trunk table is a great way to add extra storage in your living room and give you the space you need for firewood. 

These tables can also be used as coffee tables or end tables, making them versatile pieces that can be used in other rooms of your home too!

It’s important to choose one with plenty of drawers and shelves so that you have lots of places to hide things away.

The holidays are the perfect time to cozy up with loved ones and enjoy the warmth of a roaring fire. Get tips on how to make your fireplace the ultimate holiday gathering spot with Get Cozy by the Fire this Christmas with these Tips.

Set Up A Beautiful Mantel Display

If you’re looking for an easy way to add some festive cheer to your mantel, consider using candles and Christmas tree decorations. 

Candles are a great option because they can be used year-round, but they also make excellent gifts during the holidays. And if you’re looking for more unique items, think outside of the box: try incorporating some old books into your display instead!

If you want something that’s more interactive than just hanging a few stockings on your fireplace mantle (and who doesn’t?), consider setting up an entire holiday village on top of it. 

You can find these kits online and at most toy stores but don’t worry if you don’t have time this year; just pop in on Black Friday or Cyber Monday when most stores will have them discounted heavily in order to get rid of inventory before Christmas Day rolls around again next year!

It’s important not only what kind of decorations we put up around our homes during this time period but also where we place them within those spaces themselves; making sure each element feels natural yet still reflects their intended purpose is key here so spend some time thinking through everything beforehand.

Decorate Your Fireplace With Logs

If you want your fireplace to look festive, consider decorating it with a log arrangement. Logs can be made of wood, wax or paraffin and come in different shapes and sizes depending on the type of fireplace you have. 

You can use logs to create a beautiful display around your fireplace or even make other decorations like a fire screen! If you have a mantle above your hearth, try laying some logs across it for an elegant look.

If you don’t have time to create these displays yourself, there are many retailers that sell pre-made ones already set up for you!

A well-decorated fireplace can be a stunning holiday focal point for your living room. Whether you prefer classic or modern styles, 10 Incredible Christmas Decor Ideas for Your Fireplace has you covered with easy, DIY decorating ideas that will transform your mantel into a festive masterpiece.

Find Old Holiday Cards To Use In The Fireplace

It’s easy to find a card that fits your home decor, and you don’t have to spend a ton of money. Just check out your local thrift store or garage sales for some beautiful cards that might not be in perfect condition.

If you’re worried about the card getting damaged by the fire, don’t worry! You can just tape it to the side of the fireplace screen with duct tape. Then when it’s time for Christmas again next year, you’ll know exactly where to find these beautiful decorations!

Create Fire Starters With Wax And Toilet Paper Rolls

If you want to take your fire starter game to the next level, this is an easy and cheap way to do so. All you need are old toilet paper rolls, wax crayons, or even a candle. 

Simply melt the wax onto the rolled up paper and let it cool before cutting into small pieces. You can use these pieces as kindling for your fire and keep them in a tin for future use!

Best Fire Starters Made with Wax and Toilet Paper Rolls

BrandMaterialQuantityBurn TimePrice
DuraflameWax and Sawdust1830 minutes$15.49
Pine MountainWax and Wood Chips2420 minutes$14.99
EasyGoProductsWax and Natural Wood Shavings3210-12 minutes$18.99
HomArtWax and Recycled Paper610-12 minutes$14.99
Midwest HearthWax and Cedar Sawdust5020 minutes$18.95

In this table, we have listed some of the best fire starters made with wax and toilet paper rolls available for purchase. The table includes information on the brand, material, quantity, burn time, and price of each product. We suggest readers evaluate their needs based on burn time, price, and quantity required before purchasing the fire starters.

Choose Furniture That Is Cozy And Inviting

If you’re going to be spending a lot of time in your living room, you want it to feel like home. So when choosing furniture for this space, consider these tips:

Choose furniture that is comfortable and inviting. A couch or armchair should be soft enough to sink into and cozy enough to keep you warm on cold winter nights.

The same goes for chairs around the dining table they should give you a place where everyone can sit together without feeling crowded, but also allow each person some personal space.

Choose durable pieces with quality craftsmanship. In addition to being comfortable, your new furniture needs to be well made so that it will last for years (or even decades) with proper care and maintenance.

If possible, look into getting items that have been handcrafted from local materials by people who care about what they do; this will ensure not only good quality but also sustainability in terms of energy consumption and waste reduction during production processes by minimizing shipping distances as much as possible!

Need more inspiration for decorating your fireplace for Christmas? Check out The Ultimate Guide to Christmas Fireplace Decorations for a comprehensive list of decor ideas, including stockings, wreaths, and garlands, that will help you elevate your holiday decor game.

Consider Adding A Gel Fuel Insert To Your Non-Working Fireplace

In addition to being easy to use and safe, gel fuel inserts are also a great alternative if you don’t have a working fireplace. 

If your home doesn’t have a functioning chimney or the other components required for wood burning, gel fuel is the next best thing. The best part: they’re available at most hardware stores.

Gel fuel comes in many different sizes and scents, so there’s sure to be one that suits your tastes. 

There are even options with LED lighting built-in! You can enjoy these festive flames without worrying about toxic smoke or carbon monoxide poisoning from traditional fireplaces.

Buy Roasting Sticks For S’mores And Other Fun Treats

Roasting sticks are a fun way to roast marshmallows and other treats, like hot dogs or sausages. There are many different types of roasting sticks available, including wooden ones with handles and metal ones that look like skewers.

If you’re going to cook over an open fire or in the oven, roasting sticks can be used for anything from s’mores to hotdogs! 

If you’re cooking in your fireplace, make sure your stick has been approved by the manufacturer for use there before using it.

Best Roasting Sticks for S’mores and Other Treats

MalloMeStainless Steel45 inches8$19.99
Rome IndustriesChrome Plated Steel34 inches4$13.85
AjmyonspBamboo31.5 inches110$17.99
HadoifeTelescoping Stainless Steel32 inches8$16.99
TapirusExtendable Rotating Marshmallow Roasting Sticks34 inches6$19.99

In this table, we have listed some of the best roasting sticks available for purchase to make s’mores and other fun treats. The table includes information on the brand, material, length, quantity, and price of each product. We suggest readers evaluate their preferences like material, price before buying the roasting sticks.


You’re probably already looking forward to snuggling up by the fire this Christmas, but we think that these tips will really help you get cozy. 

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive decorations or overpriced tools; just use what you have around your house and be creative! 

There are so many great ways to keep yourself warm while still enjoying some time with friends and family you just need some inspiration and maybe a little bit of elbow grease.

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles to read on the topic of getting cozy during the holiday season:

What is Hygge? Get Cozy and Comfy this Christmas: Learn about the Danish concept of hygge, which is all about creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Cozy Holiday Decorating Ideas: Get inspired with these holiday decorating ideas that will transform your home into a cozy winter wonderland.

8 Tips for a Cozy Christmas Home: Check out these practical tips for creating a warm and inviting home during the holiday season.


What is hygge?

Hygge is a Danish concept that emphasizes coziness, comfort, and a feeling of contentment. It is often associated with winter and involves creating a warm and inviting atmosphere at home.

How can I make my home cozier for the holiday season?

There are many ways to make your home cozier for the holidays, including adding soft lighting, using warm blankets and throws, incorporating natural elements like pine cones and greenery, and using scented candles or diffusers.

What are some easy DIY holiday decorating ideas?

Some easy DIY holiday decorating ideas include making your own wreaths, creating garlands using fresh pine, adding twinkle lights to your decor, and making your own scented pine cones.

What are some tips for creating a cozy Christmas dinner setting?

To create a cozy Christmas dinner setting, use soft lighting, add candles to the table, incorporate warm colors and textures, play soft music in the background, and use comfortable seating.

How can I make my bedroom cozier during the winter?

To make your bedroom cozier during the winter, add plush bedding like flannel sheets and a down comforter, use soft lighting, incorporate warm colors like red and gold, and use candles or a diffuser to add a cozy scent to the room.